FAQs & Videos

In this section you can find information about BitTrap's main concepts and features, as well as our BitBites introductory videos. We hope you find it useful and look forward to your feedback!

What is BitTrap?

BitTrap is a hard evidence-based intrusion detection system that provides immediate alarms without compromising endpoints’ performance, reducing the cost of an attack by granting hackers an economic incentive to reveal their position.

How is BitTrap different from other cybersec solutions?

Unlike most cybersecurity solutions in the market, BitTrap does not focus on reducing intrusions, but actually on providing attackers a fair economic incentive to reveal their presence in the compromised system.

How does the attacker cash out?

Our servers are constantly analyzing every transaction throughout the blockchain. As soon as an operation using our keys is identified, the compromised device is singled out.

Is BitTrap a deception solution?

Deception solutions, such as honeypots or canary tokens, try to trick the hacker into revealing the intrusion. The problem is hackers learn to detect and avoid them. With BitTrap, we are considering a different solution.

How is BitTrap different from a Cyberinsurance solution?

Cyber Insurance strategies are oriented to a post damage strategy, not really preventing an attack from happening or diminishing its impact, giving a false sense of security.

How does BitTrap interact with the rest of the cybersecurity stack?

BitTrap stands on an independent layer from the existing security stack, accelerating adoption time, and substantially enhancing overall protection levels.


Product & Licensing

BitTrap is an intrusion detection system that provides immediate alarms without compromising endpoints performance.

BitTrap reduces the cost of an attack by giving hackers an economic incentive to reveal their intrusion, enabling the organization to neutralize the attack faster.

The existing cybersecurity stack is focused on reducing the intrusions to zero. The current cybercrime pandemic demonstrates that they are far from being perfect, generating billions of dollars per year in costs to companies and individuals. BitTrap positions itself orthogonally to every other intrusion prevention system, providing a unique solution to reduce and control the damage when attacks inevitably happen.

Honeypots try to trickle the hacker into revealing the intrusion. The problem is that hackers learn to detect and avoid them. BitTrap is fundamentally different, it does not try to hide itself or deceive the attacker, but instead it provides them with the right economic incentive to reveal their intrusion.

The biggest difference between BitTrap and all the other cybersecurity solutions is that BitTrap doesn’t try to reduce intrusions but to assume they will inevitably take place. BitTrap offers a post factum solution, providing attackers an economic incentive to reveal their presence in the compromised system.
This approach works because there is a profound asymmetry between the cost to the victim of an intrusion and the economic return for the attacker. For every dollar the attacker monetizes, the victim is paying hundreds. Leveraging this asymmetry, BitTrap provides an economic incentive for the attacker that results in a far more convenient outcome for the victim by significantly reducing the total cost of the intrusion.

A significant portion of the automated attacks, e.g. malwares, are already looking for bitcoin wallets as a way to monetize BitTrap will also detect the attacker’ s presence.

BitTrap alarm is triggered when the funds move from the BitTrap wallet to a third-party wallet. Given the robustness of the Bitcoin blockchain, the only way the funds will change wallets is because someone used the private keys in the wallet. When that happens BitTrap unequivocally knows that there is an unauthorized presence in the protected device.

BitTrap innovation is that it moved the “detection infrastructure” outside the device and into the blockchain and the cloud. This is a key difference between BitTrap and other endpoint security solutions that require running heavy code on already saturated devices.

Yes, BitTrap is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution, billed monthly and priced based on the number of protected devices. For more information visit our website or email us at: sales@bittrap.com

Yes, we are currently offering a free BitTrap trial for a limited number of devices. For more information visit our website or email us at: trials@bittrap.com

Setup, Use & Maintenance

BitTrap’s deployment is extremely easy and involves almost no additional administrative or computational costs. There are currently two versions of BitTrap to deploy: the BitTrap agent, installed on every device, or just a text-file version, copied into each device. The agent version uses negligible computational resources, and provides more information to monitor the system. On the other hand, the text-file version only requires the users or admins to copy the file into the devices and it uses no resources whatsoever. The level of protection of both versions is the same, but we recommend the BitTrap agent whenever possible.

BitTrap’s platform is extremely simple to operate and can be deployed seamlessly by the existing organization’s IT team or individual. BitTrap provides a short live onboarding tutorial at the beginning of each deployment to assure that customers are fully operational in no time.

Given the public nature of the blockchain, when a hacker cashes out the bitcoins from the BitTrap wallets, our real-time monitoring system notices it and reports an alarm to BitTrap’s cloud-based dashboard and other pre-configured triggers (e.g. sends an SMS to the admin or turns off the device).

Absolutely, BitTrap’s mission is to protect every available device. We currently have working solutions for laptops, workstations and servers. Mobile devices are coming right up, while other options like email and dropbox are on the roadmap.

In some cases we offer the expertise of our team to help our customers with forensics and post-facto analysis.

We are constantly analyzing the state of the art in malwares and other vectors of attack, while also monitoring the risk of each device being attacked. Based on that, we automatically adjust the money in the wallets to maximize the chances that the hacker will rationally choose to reveal their intrusion once inside the device.

Wallets are funded and managed by BitTrap, so there is no need to acquire any cryptocurrency to take advantage of this solution.

We provide a cloud-based dashboard for the administrators to configure the devices, monitor its status, and manage incidents.

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