We need to talk about cybersec

Author: Ariel Futoransky

Cybersecurity has never been a static scenario. The dynamics between technology and security have been evolving since its initial days.

And surely it is at the center of the conversation now. Given the size and frequency of public incidents, it's reasonable to expect it to take a prominent part in our media. But under careful analysis, many of the discussions about today’s scenarios, strategies or potential large-scale solutions seem at least incoherent (See discussions on the impact of eliminating cryptocurrencies, or the concept of advanced persistent threats as a government sponsored trait only).

I think this is the result of portraying hackers with an outdated image that hasn’t caught up with the evolution of their own ecosystem. We know almost nothing about who our attackers are today, what differentiates distinct groups, or what are their motivations and capabilities.

We learn about them by capitalizing on security incidents, threat hunting & forensics, but except for some high-level victims-reported stats, all we have can probably be considered anecdotal evidence. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be enough.

We at BitTrap are opening this new space to try to contribute to the understanding of the situation, help make informed decisions about possible corporate strategies, and discuss the impact of possible policy changes.

Specifically, we are going to be talking about:
How to study attacker behavior
How to model and measure attacker population indicators
How to model economic forces in our ecosystem and their impact
How to analyze and compare security strategies and technologies
How to understand and capitalize on security incidents.

We hope our unique perspective will help modernize the conceptual framework we use to understand cybersecurity, and potentially avoid some of the more vicious dynamics we are encountering today.

You are all invited 

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